
Sciatica in pregnancy yoga sequence

Sciatica is never fun, and is especially prevalent in pregnancy when the change in posture, weight of the baby, changes in the pelvis doe tot he hormones and then position of the baby all play into an increased tendency to sciatica.

Sciatica typically involves a pain, weakness or numbness down one or both legs. The NHS have an excellent description of sciatica and basic advice. Sometimes it is described as if you could draw a line of where the pain goes. Its easy to say ‘oh its just how your baby is lying’ or ‘its just nerve pain’ but if you are suffering form it, you can find it very debilitating, and this in turn can affect your mood.

The below yoga video shows a short sequence of yoga poses that are helpful in making space at the back of the pelvis that helps to alleviate pain and the trapping of nerves. There are more poses than just this, however a memeber of this class was wanting to practice more often than twice a week as yoga was proving effective in alleviating symptms and pain. Primarily this video is for E, however I thought it best to do the video so tohers could benefit form it as well. 

There are other poses that are highly beneficial but less helpful during pregnancy. When pregnnat be mindful of good advice that doesn not take in to consideration that you are pregnant. 

Any yoga practice is best with a yoga teacher, particularly in pregnancy where there can be other complications. Please check out with your teacher if this is suitable for you, but at least it will give you some ideas of what can be really helpful to make life a bit easier and more comfortable to those with sciatica.

If your sciatca is severe or if yoga is not shifting it Id recommend going to see an experienced and refinedosteopath (David Lasnet or Adam Harker in the Edinburgh area) as they can rebalance the pelvis to alleviate symptoms. 

Video coming – just waiting for approval from those in it x

Does it really matter if my toes point outwards?

If I penguin walk what’s the problem if I’m happy? Firstly ofcourse you can and should stand exactly as you want. There is comfort in our habits and sometimes what someone else might consider a bad habit might protect you really well in some way. Secondly changing our posture is quite a refined process. When you move outside of your patterns and your normal ‘inner hearing’ changes. So you while you may listen carefully you may also miss important messages. But yes, if you toes point out and you want to live a healthy long life and feel good I think it’s a good idea to explore other options.

Rolfing is a deep form of massage that realigns the body. It helps to re-establish natural alignment within the body to bring better vitality and wellbeing. The basis is gravity. Gravity presses down on us and when our bodies are well alignment the forces of gravity travel smoothly through the body causing least damage to the joints. Working with gravity also creates most ease of movement and this translates to ease within daily life both physically and emotionally.

‘only by bringing peace from the ground up’ can problems higher be ‘under-stood’. 

In Rolfing the feet are considered the place to start, being the lowest building blocks that we stand on. You can see the body as a stack of bricks, placed well they are robust and strong, placing precariously then precariously makes the whole system fragile like a teetring tower of jenga blocks. Rolfers tend to work from the ground up, this is often used in yoga teaching as well. I have loved the concepts of rolfing and tried to gently bring some of the directions into my classes. 


 I love Ida’s analogy of car tyres. If a car had its front wheels angled out the car would find moving forward very difficult. Can you imagine a car trying to get out of mud with outwards facing front tyres, it just wouldn’t make it. Her suggestion is that knees and feet are the same and that people need a parallel moving legs and feet so that the movement of the whole person can be straight forwards.



Another issue is of long term use. When out joints don’t stack neatly there is more wear and tear: every ‘turn erodes the axis’. This is the longer term issue of creating an imbalance within the knee that in time wears the knee joint out and creates an imbalance of leg muscles that further increases the imbalance.



Of course, we are significantly more than a pair of well-placed feet. Even If you could tell everything from our feet, they are complex in themselves. And yes, the feet are not just inverted (toes in), everted (toes out) or balanced. There are arches than can drop, be healthy or tense. Feet can walk out on the outer edges, roll in onto the inside edge. They can be hard and fail to move or weak an unable to cope with changes underfoot.
You get the picture – its complex. This is why it is ideal to work with someone with some experience in this field to support you through this process, and don’t think of your posture and alignment as a quick fix – it’s a life-long practice of finding ease, efficiency and freedom.


While I love rolfing with its universal rules of good harmonious working: do this, this and this and all will be well. I also love freedom.  Freedom to explore, choose and feel. So in good Susannah style I stand with a foot in each camp. Always the devil’s advocate, never settled. I like the good practice, guidelines, working towards a universal harmony – and I enjoy breaking the rules. I like to let my body do its own thing, let it be free like an innocent child. Let it make weird shapes and fly. This is very Angela Farmer and Victor Van Kooten. They have a
lovely way, which is ‘here how it feels good, great, amazing for me’ – try it, change it, find your way. They are the yoga teachers that other yoga teachers fear. They throw out the rules in favour of personal integrity and truth. They say do what you want, join in or don’t, do what we say, or ignore us. Do it your way.



Rules can be tight and lifeless. Number 1 survive, Number 2 thrive. Once we’ve managed survival we need to be alive, to feel alive. So if the rules shut you down walk by. If the rules give you more strength and freedom – enjoy!


I tend to think of it as inverted toes showing a need to be smaller, and everted toes showing the desire or need to be bigger than we are. Pigeon toes, inverting so the toes are pointing towards each other make us appear more childlike and diminutive, we appear more submissive and less challenging. This is very helpful in some situations. Toes wide tends to suggest a need to be bigger, stronger. We can appear more confident, more dominant – and this can be very helpful too. The problem is only when we get stuck in a pattern that is unhelpful. Ofcourse you may walk your toes wide and be very submissive, and vice versa. You may need to delve deep to find the part of you that wants to be more than you are. You may find that you lack stability and that standing toes wide gives you a more solid base, or it may all be a load of baloney for you. Our bodies are not all that we are.


Thinking about appropriacy is important. If you are in a kitchen working, toes pointed slightly out with knees tracking over them, this is great so you can move from side to chop, fry and sprinkle. If you are needing to assert your authority and seem bigger than you are, stand wide. But if you’re standing, walking, running I’d suggest moving towards a straightforward action. And that straight forward action might just translate into how you direct your life, wouldn’t that be great! 

Yes, if you have the tenacity and kindness, I really do think feet facing forwards is better.

Strengthen your breathing & immune functioning

Never has the time been more important to strengthen our immune systems. Often yoga is done with a ‘get fit, lose weight, workout’ sort of attitude. Normally this is great. Just now, with Coronavirus cases rising on a daily basis, our first priority should all be to focus on our immune systems first of all. 

Overall this means gentler yoga. If you are used to 10 rounds of salute to the sun at a speedy pace in the morning soften off to a slower more languid pace. If you are doing ten minutes a day and it’s all quite new, go easy, chill a bit with it. 

Your breath is your guide. Aim for your breathing to feel very easy and very full at all times, and adapt poses so you can achieve this breathing style. 

 Imagine your breathing moving in and out like waves on the edge of the beach. The breath comes in, the breath goes out. It feels rhythmical and easy. Look for your breath moving low into your body. Often you will feel your belly expand forwards or spread to the sides as you breath in. 

By breathing consciously we can expand our lung capacity. This along with exercising and

When you breath really really well you will feel fantastic, it’s inevitable! You will feel energised, very peaceful, quietly alert and it brings with it the most wonderful feeling of wellbeing. Try to breath like this often, it is your most important yoga practice, especially now. 

Here are 2 videos about yoga to support your immune functioning. 

2020 vision for 2020

Well here we are in 2020. A new year and a new decade. I’m thinking of 2020 as the year to focus, focus, focus on what is most important. Here are some ideas on how to embrace a year synonymous with perfect vision.
Warrior 2: past, present & future

Warrior 2, Virabhandasana 2 comes to mind. That steady gaze down the middle finger into the future makes it perfect for starting 2020. I also love it for it’s connection to the past, the present, and the future. Here are 3 versions – centered in the past, present and future.

Back in the Past

Do you see the center line of my torso lies back over towards my back foot? Head juts forward to counterbalance the central slide back. Do you see the weight heavy in my back leg and font knee not over the ankle joint? This pose shows a hanging back in the past, unable to move forwards. 


This pose is better balanced as a place to stay. Legs working equally, front knee steady. Back of the body soft, chest open…. but my arms give away a veering into the future! My front arm reaches out, my back arm connected, but not yet balanced. Don’t worry, yoga teachers aren’t perfect!


Overconfident in the Future

Do you see my front knee overshoot? My chest pressing forwards, head angled back? Front arms very high. This pose is tight, the bit you can’t see is how much I’m pushing into the back of my waist. This is ‘get me to the future now’ I really dont want to stay present.

Focus, focus, focus on 2020

Choose one thing, one specific thing you want to focus on. Whether its play the clarinet in public with joy, or whether it’s spread love and peace at every chance, or whether it’s organise your wardrobe. Don’t have 2 or 3, just one. I laugh when I look back at old resolutions, organise my wardrobe is on every year – its pointless, it’s a life style, not a resolution for me. It’s something I enjoy and do regularly, even though if you looked in my cupboards you’d never know – no KonMari’d my underwear in my drawers ;  ).

  • Think of one thing you’d be happy to have in your awareness every day for 2020.
  • Type up or scribble your resolution and pin it up. In your face, every day, for a year or until you’re satisfied you’re done. Stick it in a frame it it makes it better for you, etch it into the walls it you’re interior deco rebellious.
  • Don’t stress it, don’t try to make it happen, but acknowledge it and do what feels right to you in the moment, the present.
  • If you give up part way through the year, that’s just grand. Some time we make bad plans that’s it’s just self-sabotage to go through with. Write a note to yourself about why it didn’t work, feel the joy of releasing what is not needed.
  • If you get to the end of the year and you’ve tried but not got there, that’s fine too. Make note that your probably of a character who bites of more than you can chew. Note down three things that went well. Enjoy your determination and growth mindset.
  • If you achieve it in the year, lovely. Take it down, celebrate and move on.

This year I couldn’t read the custard instructions, and missed the warning on the linseed oil. My custard was too thin for trifle and the house nearly burnt down (thankfully just a lot of smoke and barely any damage) – so I’m really valuing the importance of sight. Joking apart, I think 2020 visioning is the way forwards.

I hope your year is full of insight, peace and love.

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