ready to take the challenge?

To start your yoga challenge it’s really important to have a sound idea of how to practice and jhow to take care of yrouself as your practice. There will be days when you can work hard and push yrouself, and days when you need to let go and rest. This is normal and desirable.

Please check the health issues so you know what is going to help you best. It will also guide you on what not to do. This is important as there are things that can be unhelpful in yoga. If in doubt please get in touch for a 1-1 to go through any additional guidance you migth need.

Your breath is a fantasitc guide. Honour and enjoy it!


It’s free but …

If paying will help you to commit to the challenge please feel free to donate. I want to do this as a service and personal commitment in troubled times. So please only donate if it will actually help you. Otherwise please take your energy out into the world.