5 ways to create your perfect yoga home studio


Doing yoga online is great. You don’t have to travel. No dark, icy roads. No time wasted in the car. Tuning in to meet like-minded people, share a little, move a lot and find a sense of peace, camaraderie and community. Stretching and staying sane. What’s not to like. That said practicing yoga at home brings many challenges from intermittent WIFI to wailing children and missing seeing people in person. With Covid continuing to rage it seems we’re going to have to embrace the changes. This blog will give you simple achievable tips on how to make your yoga at home feel even better.

table of contents

  • pamper your WIFI
  • make space at home
  • have yoga props to hand
  • get a bit zen with your yoga home studio
  • online etiquette
  • finding health and harmony at home

pamper your WIFI

Before class turn off items that use WIFI. Yes, turn them off. Don’t imagine you can just ‘not use them’ apparently, it’s just not the same. When our WIFI was playing up we did a count items – 12! Our WIFI is not the most flash and it really needs a bit of consideration for classes to be smooth. So now before class I go round and put off phones, ask kids to shut down and unplug WIFI devices.

make space at home

So obvious, but I still find myself brushing the curtains by mistake or bumping into furniture. Before class work out a space where you can:

  • fit a mat and move freely
  • access a wall or some sort of support
  • see the class online with a place for your device where it gives you a good view

have yoga props to hand

It’s a good idea to have a blanket, something to drink and a block or two to hand in case you need them during class. Since it’s online you can nip out anytime to go get what you need, but you’re likely to benefit more from the class if you have what you need to hand. It helps you to get the most out of your class.

get a bit zen with your yoga home studio

Everyone is different about what makes them feel chilled and nurtured so choose what appeals most to you from following to claim your space. Think Marie Kondo meets does yoga space

  • light a candle or incense
  • put music on just for you, a perk of being at home
  • declutter anything that jars you
  • create a little arrangement of meaningful items to focus your practice
  • clean your space as much or as little as you need to before hand
  • cleanse your space energetically by burning sage
  • find lighting that makes you feel happy inside

This is great for your yoga class and you might even like it more after too.

online class etiquette

Camera on or off?

Usually yoga teachers prefer cameras on so they can check how everyone’s doing and guide you. For myself I like cameras on as I love the connection. Seeing cats come visit, children pop in all help with feeling connected and making online feel more normal.

Microphone on or off?

There’s a joy in hearing every day lives continue, with yoga questions, WIFI discussions, amused giggles and releasing sighs during class. This joy sometimes means others can’t hear well and in larger classes it seems to change the speakers amplification. Your teacher will guide you or mute you. For classes over 6 I favour muting but people unmuting at anytime to chip in and share.

Approaching your device

This is a funny one. In person we know how to refrain from giving too much information, but with a camera it’s sometimes hard to get it right all the time. As beautiful as our bodies are inadvertent crotch shots are not ideal. If you need to adjust your device, take your knees to the side.

Here are some lovely ways to increase your wellbeing and enjoy your yoga home studio:

Why not subscribe to TheYoga for lovely yoga ideas and wellbeing tips straight to your inbox.

If you want yoga online but don’t want to sign up for class why not try this 100 day yoga challenge which only takes 10 minutes a day. You can do it every day or when you feel like. You can get a somewhat stylish yoga journal designed for the programme to keep you on track here.

Finding health and harmony at home

Check your WIFI, set out your space, get what you need, make it a bit zen and then enjoy the class. All of these things matter in making your space your own. When we come out to class we physically make space between our daily difficulties and yoga. When you’re at home you have to spend more time accepting your stuff, literally and in spirit, and working with it. Yoga is about finding balance, health and harmony through moving consciously and with the breath. Doing yoga at home gives you more time, more chance to embed your practice in your daily life and might even encourage your to start self practice. You can do yoga anywhere, but there’s no place like home!

Want to find an online yoga class? click here

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